Thursday, July 21, 2011

Do I have any chance at west point?

Only the admissions committee at West Point can answer your question. As you know, you must have a recommendation from a member of congress to get into West Point, so you might want to start working on that matter now. Write to the office of your congressional representative and ask about the procedure and any materials you will need. The assistants in that office will send them to you. You already know that West Point is extremely competitive, and only the very top notch people ever get in. It's time now to start formulating alternate plans. Thinking about alternatives does not mean that you are giving up or that you are not going to put your best effort into achieving your goal. It means that you are smart enough to have several options available to you, which is always a good way to plan things out. I'd like to have gone to Harvard, but that plan didn't work. Still, I went to good schools, had a terrifically satisfying career, and am ready for retirement. Have at least three schools "waiting in the wings" if West Point turns out not to be your school. The application process should always include one "Dream school," a couple of "Competitive, but I might make it" schools, a couple of "Probably will be accepted" schools, and at least one "These guys accept everybody" school. That plan of attack generally results in ultimate success.

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