Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Too much stress :/ ?!?!?

Yesterday, my ex-boyfriend smacked me in the face, for no reason. It was just after break had finished and I went off to our next lesson. I unknowingly forgot my book and had to return downstairs where some of the boys, inculuding my ex were messing about. As I was rooting for my book he was calling me horrible names and saying loads of other stuff. I thorght it was best to just ignore him, so I did. As I was leaving to go back to lesson he called me over to help him and as I stood infront of him waiting for him to say something he just slapped/smacked me really hard in the face and ran off to class, saying that I was a b*tch and I decerved it. After that had happened I went to find a teacher who I could tell, but they were all busy teaching, so I headed back to class. My face still has a hand print on it and it hurts when touched. My parents told the headmaster who has talked to my ex and explained that it shouldn't of happened. To be honest it isn't the first time he has hurt me and left a mark, and I feel like the teachers arnt taking it seriously. Where in a small private school so I know for a fact if he was in a public school he probably would of been expelled by now. Today has been a blurr and I could hardly concentrate in class. I came home and found my mum shouting at me for silly things that wernt worth the energy. I've also been talking to this guy I like and he said he liked me too ... But when I asked him weither he wanted to ever be with me he said he had to go. It's been hours now and I dout he really went out and it was just an excuse to stop the convo. I can't be doing with all this stress with home and school and even boys... Espeshially when I have exams soon ... Please help I don't no what to do I feel so lonely and isolated from friends and family please help :/ xx

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