Thursday, July 14, 2011

What kind of classes should i take my junior year?

I'm not sure if you have block schedule or if you have eight classes a day, but it seems like a pretty tough workload. If you only have four classes a semester, it's probably do-able if you work really hard and stay focused. But it's awesome that you chose all challenging classes, because colleges really look at your junior year. And I'm not sure how your school works, but at my old private school, the level of difficulty of classes went college prep, honors, and then AP, obviously from least challenging to most. You might want to save classes like AP Psych or International Relations for your senior year, because they're both challenging, but not quite as challenging as some of the other courses you've got lined up. If IIII were you, and this is solely my opinion, is I would replace those two classes with electives. Not only will it ease up your workload (which you'll be SO thankful for by the end of junior year), but it will also give colleges the impression that you're more well-rounded. The option that many students choose, which isn't always the best option, is to load up on difficult classes junior year (to look impressive) and then take lots of electives senior year (to look well-rounded and have an easier senior year). This, however, is not the best way to go. You should even it out a LITTLE, but not much. So like I said, dropping those two classes and taking them senior year while replacing them with two electives you'll enjoy will both look awesome and really lighten your workload. Remember, my advice is worth as much as you paid for it (if you didn't get that joke, my advice is really worth nothing). Best of luck!

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