Saturday, July 23, 2011

Please rate this Pokemon book idea?

I am planning to write a Pokemon book that is going to be better than the original. I titled it Pokemon: Trainer's Quest and it follows the story of Josh Terron form Isen Town to become the League Champion of the three leagues Gildor, Virdon, and (still deciding the third League's name). I have made it where the Pokemon don't constantly say their name but made their normal sounds. I have also made it where there are seven gyms and in a differnt order. Also, no elite four, just the Guardian of The Champion and fhe Headmaster of the League.

Any Information About Desfords Naughty Boys School Please.?

I am Currently Working With The Absolutely Haunted Team And We Investigate This Building On A 2 Weekly Basis. This Building Is Exclusive To Us. I am Looking For Some One Who Went To This School For Some Clarification And Maybe To Join Us On A Event. This Event Cost �29 And The Building Is Very Haunted By The Headmasters And Children Of The School

Can you Please C/C Poem: Sept 11, 2001?

Because of the subject, and the fact that I lost family, I won't beat this up. What I will say though, with respect, it can do with less rhyme, the rhyme scheme could be consistent, and the flow of the piece can be improved

My parents applied to a school without asking me what can I do?

They send the application and they even got a appointment with the headmaster without telling. When they told me I was really mad and I told them I didn't want to go to this school but they told I would go even if I don't want to! I told them I wanted to apply to another school it's an international school and offer the ib programe but they said no without a reason!! What can I do help me please!! The only reason I would change school is if I can go to the school I want I love my current school!! So what can I do and how can I convince them to apply to the other school!!

How do you mod GTA IV?

I installed GTA IV (NOT TBOGT OR TLAD, JUST THE ORIGINAL ONE) on my flash drive. I have been searching everywhere but I can't find out how to mod GTA IV online or offline with mods like Speed, Cars, God mode, etc. At one point I downloaded a file with mods in from Robatore because he just said GTA IV 5.5 Modz so I downloaded it and saw common.rpf and other stuff. I know you are supposed to replace those with the ones from the game but I don't see anything in my flash drive when I open it in usbxtafgui v44. (A tool for modding) All I see in there is stuff like Data01 Data02 Data03 and stuff. Can someone give me a website or something that tells me how to Mod gta iv offline or online (<

What film is this about rebelling kids in a school with a ***** for a headmistess?

this film is about these kids in this school and the headmistress is really unfair its something about kids rebelling against her because this girl walked around school in a dress covered in condoms she did it to promote safe sex but the headmistress told everyone she was just encouraging sex?? its a good film it has a really good message but i can't think of the name ?

What is a really good anatomy/physiology/myology book out there?

I just graduated high school and I want to get a head start in learning all of the muscles and bones of the human body, what are some good books? (MORE THAN 1 BOOK NAMED WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL, THANKS!)

Need to fine a loophole in these rules?

If you violated school rules, you deserve to suffer the consequences. Why would you have notes on you when you knew it wasn't allowed?

If a headmaster calls a college, will this do any good?

I was denied at my top choice college. I am really devastated because I tried so hard this year for this college! Anyways, I contacted my Headmaster and he will call the college- will this increase my chance? maybe?

What do you think of this?

No, that doesn't sound mean. I'm sure they were kindergarteners who had not yet learned what you are supposed to in kindergarten.

Does pathophysiology factor into a science gpa?

I'm wondering if pathophysiology would count towards my science gpa. It is classified as a nursing course but it has to do with physiology which is a science/biology course.

Teens: Favorite kind of music?

I love stuff like My Chemical Romance, Asking Alexandria, Attack Attack!, Hollywood Undead, Of Mice & Men, Atreyu, Bullet For My Valentine, Eminem, I See Stars, Woe Is Me, We Came As Romans, and that stuff but I also like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and stuff like that haha. So, What's your favorite kind of music? Like bands and singers.

My parents want me to change school but i don't want to?

So my parents want me to change school cause they don't like my headmaster! I know some girls from the other school and they're not like me at all! I really don't want to go to this school, I love my current school I have lots of friends and everything is fine!! My parents didn't even asked if i wanted to go to the other school they applied without my agreement and they told me I was gonna go even if I didn't want to !! What can i do??? Please help me!!

Am i right to be mad over this?

I think she was just sad and bummed out. I'd be pretty pissed if I fought for my life while someone was trying to just forget theirs ..........

Should I just go for it? Any advice would be appreciated highly...?

A girl never forgets things that easily, shes just curious about what is going to happen between you two. So start talking to her again, and guys will be back on track

Do you think the british charity common purpose has sinister motives?

They are described as a charity that chooses leaders in society. It is meant to be an open organisation, but if a member of The public wants to know what our money is being spent on they put the shutters up. This 'charity' uses our tax money, people in high ranking jobs. E.g. Police inspector, headmaster, banker etc, are chosen to go on a course by common purpose. They then go back to their jobs and frequently have closed door meetings with other common purpose members in high ranking jobs to discuss pushing forward the agenda of common purpose. This obviously compromises their job integrity. The end goal agenda I believe of common purpose is the removal of a democratic government system to be replaced my a dictatorial one. The way, which will be paved by common purpose.

Seriously confused with everything/my life..?

wow :p first im sorry. that is so much to take in. i had to read it a couple times through. Have you shared you're complete thoughts with your sisters? because i really think if you sat down and had a long talk by the look of it they would under stand and know what your going through. how they should understand that you are trying to build a better future but are having a hard time with the present. if i were you i would sit down tell them how you know it would be hard that they would practically be supporting you. but tell them your building a better future and that your still going to look for jobs. i hope i understood right. if you need ymail me! i would be honored to read what you type!

What is better?? (books)..?

If you are want some plus points in your projects and examination, the best recommendations should come from your professors/lecturers.

Question about bullets and guns, quick answer asap please!?

Yeah it'd go straight through. Time to live is dependent upon which part of the chest you're shot - if hit in the lungs, less than half an hour. If through the heart, you'd die almost instantly. Any other non lethal part would take a few hours because you'd bleed out.

How can i get closer to my prof?

i like my physiology prof my actually the semester is over and i can`t see him for a while and basically i can`t get closer to him cause he won`t be my prof next year .i sent an email to him to tell how i appreciate his knowledge ,some thing like that;) and he replied me and thanked me for the warm words but i don`t know what to do for next step?

A gun fires a bullet into the ballistic pendulum shown above how high does the pendulum reach? what angle?

a gun fires a bullet into the ballistic pendulum shown above how high does the pendulum reach? what angle? (bullets mass is 3.5 grams and its initial speed is 300 m/s the mass of the pendulum bob is 12.8 kg, and the length of the pendulum is 0.75 meters)

Accelerated classes at national university, hard? Easy?

I am taking a few nursing prereqs at National University. The classes I am signed up for are anatomy and physiology and micro biology. Have any of you taken these classes? They are only two months long and I am wondering if I am going to get my butt kicked?????? Do you think they dumb them down a bit since you are suppose to learn and pass the class in two months??? Thanks in advance

Fallout 3 weapon mod question?

Hey guys, I was wondering somethin. I recently downloaded two mods, one for a set of AK47s, and another for an MP40. When I tried to use the weapon though, all I could see was a large red diamond with an exclamation point in it in-game. Bullets would still come out and my players hands would look as if it were holding the gun, but I couldnt see or hear it. I was wondering how to fix this. Thanks!

How thick does steel need to be to stop these bullets?

If Professor Fondsworth were an actual ballistics expert he would have asked some basic questions. Like what is the distance to the target, what type of round is being fired (FMJ, AP, etc.), what is the mass of each bullet, what grade of steel plate, what angle is the steel plate in relation to the impact, etc. These are all factors that MUST be considered when trying to stop a bullet from penetrating a steel plate.


Electivire because you have a perfect team so far. All it needs is a electric type because that would make your team ready for any type of combat. Psychic moves are super effective to very few Pokemon. Electric Pokemon are super effective to water Pokemon. It will be very rare for a Pokemon trainer to have a ground type Pokemon. One good move for Electivire is Giga Impact. Another is Hyper Beam or Earthquake.

I think I dodged a Bullet, Right?

Yes I think you did right. You should always hold true to your values and belives. If he really likes you he will ask you out a few times before he tries.

Say if the zombie apocolypse began this week, would you?

I would be off like a shot i would put my fastest sneekers on and i would be gone faster than when i am trying to get that Butler.

Isn't this the exact same group of Muslim terrorists that Obama wants to include in Afghanistan Government?

Our President is a self-proclaimed "citizen of the world". He is looking out for other people's interests -- NOT America's interests.

Which ending is better for my story?

What you write is very creative. Both endings are so interesting. I truly believe if you are to be a writer, you need to not take a vote on your writing. It then no longer is your writing but our vote. Feel confident in which ending you decide on. Take a break from it for 24 hours then come back, re read both endings and you will have a better idea. Congratulations on your good work.

Can anyone explain these two short articles for me?

There are a whole lot of words there. If you don't understand a single one of them, rewriting the whole thing seems like a fairly daunting job, with little chance of the result being more enlightening to you. Could you perhaps figure out a few specific questions you'd like answered?

Answer this please!!! 10 points best answer!! thanks?

So I like this guy at school and he is in the grade above. His sister is in the grade below me and we are really close. Now, I think that he may like me back but either me or my brother embarrasses me and my friends make jokes about me liking the dude. And my face gets really red whenever I see him, very obvious that I like him. Also, he is leaving our school after this year and I'll probably never see him again and I don't have his phone number or go over his house, cause of his sister, not him. there's only one more dance at our school and I was wondering if I should ask him to dance or ask him out. but if he says no, i'll be really embarrassed, sad and depressed case he is the grandson of the headmaster so I tried hard to bring my grades up, which I did :) so ummm helpful answers and thanks

What careers aspects is right for me ?

baisically... im doing my GCSE's and im doing, Human Health and Physiology, Health and Social Care, Child development and french. I want a job that is fun-ish, but i want one that is quite serious. im not very good at maths seeing as my maths i got a D-.... :/ i havnt got my english yet but im pretty sure its either a D or a E, seing i missed 4 months of english.... hehe ;) LOL. anyway, what could i get with theses ? thanks :/ also, i dont want to use a website :/ x

Friday, July 22, 2011

What are the best colleges to study nuclear biotechnology or microbiology in india for the masters course?

well i am pursuing zoology hons. with chemistry and physiology as my combination subjects.....after graduation what are the best colleges to pursue on with my masters(in microbiology or nuclear biotechnology) in india????.....if not this what are the other avenues should i be looking at after graduation that deals with biology and chemistry as mainstream subjects??????.....and what are the best places to study them in india?..please provide me with good info!!

A question about Harry Potter?

Did Dumbledore actually do anything of value during the entire HP series? Harry Potter does nothing but praise him and refer to him as "the greatest wizard of all time", but the reality is that he is a terrible headmaster putting his students in danger and conveniently going off to do some official work while his students are in danger (like when the Sorcerers stone was in danger of being nabbed) and conveniently shows up after the danger is all over with. The only time he actually tries to do anything magical first hand (yes he did send a Phoenix in the chamber of secrets but it seems he could have also gone there himself and done something rather then doing so himself he risks the life of a 12-13 year old Harry Potter) he gets himself killed.

Urgh this is bugging me?

I think go with the quieter one - at the end of the day your degree is the most important. Also, if your friends are in the other one, you can always go over there to hang out when you want to have fun. But you can get away from that when you need to study.

High school grade question?

OK: lets say you are a colledge headmaster for just a community colledge or an undergrad school, and you this person's highschool grades. To decide wheter or not you want to let them in, would you rather look at the fourth quarter grades or the whole course grade? Just wondering.

My worst fear is guts and gory stuff please help?

try to keep yourself away from it dont think about it just go to your happy place when u feel unconfortable

Need to make a diagnosis for an Anatomy & Physiology class. Can someone help?

Here is the summary of symptoms.... "A woman presents double vision and weakness of the eye muscles giving her slightly "droopy" eyelids. She is also having trouble swallowing and seems to have a thyroid tumor. She is beginning to feel weakness in the muscles of her face and neck. Please describe the disease in question and give some possible treatments."

Critique my story (first page only)?

pretty confusing because it was so detailed..a little boring, there's nothing new. but that's just the beginning, if you put a little more on it would be easier to see the plot of the story...ehhh.

How likely is it that I will get into Princeton or another Ivy League?

Colleges ask for unweighted GPAs. With those classes and activities, you're about an average applicant for a top school. Everyone applying has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores. You need a lot more - you need to find a way to stand out, hopefully in the major you're planning to take. Right now, your activities are all over the place - nothing focused, nothing unique, nothing that will make you stand out for a top school. What do you plan to major in, and why don't you get involved in that field now? And most of all, why should you go to a top school instead of a state school (besides the prestige)? Most people won't do any better in their careers thanks to a top school than a state school.

Do i need to go to medical school to become a clinical physiologist? ?

I am needing to pick an undergraduate degree . . . I am thinking of doing clinical respiratory physiology . . I am wondering whether or not after that I need to go to medical school or what exactly I need to do?

I need to bring 12v down to 6v please help.?

I have a moped that runs 12v and I got a bullet head light and its a sealed light bulb that is 6v I need to bring it down to 6v before the bulb so it doesn't burn out someone said a step down transistor but I don't know please help to tell me how to do it I don't need to bring down the whole system volts just something before the bulb

I need some creative cat names?

So my cat is preggers (yay! Please sense sarcasm). Her name is Chaos and her baby daddy is Bullet. I need some kick *** names to go along with those. Help!

The hero by siegfried sassoon?

Even though this guy didn't save anyones life or drag someone out of the trench, he was there and who can blame him for being scared? even him just being there is something that most of us couldn't do. The point of the poem isn't about whether he was a hero or not, its about a woman's young child dying in a horibble way, none of you could ever imagine. even though the boy probably did die a horrible lonely, scared death, that doesn't mean that his mother has to hear that, by lying to his mother and painting a nice picture, it's going to leave her with happy memories of him, a lot of people can't take how horrible war is and its not pretty or glorious...

POLL: What do you think of the army simulation game?

It will be nice to play.Actually at my place we once played real Counter Strike with light ray guns and detectors.It was fun.So what you are telling will also be fun.

I hate school!!! so much?

i hate school so much!!!! im 13 yr 8 in high school and i hate school coz the teachers are so bad!!!!. i get in trouble constantly everyday, but i dont do bad things just the teachers recon that they can make stuff up in there heads and belive it to be true then i get in trouble for it! there liers!. they lie to the headmaster about things thati dont do. also one day my tutor said that she will "come down on me like a ton of briks" they dont even know me!! they think that they know me like there my mum or dad!!! also one day me and my friends where talking about when we had a big bomb fire in my garden then a teacher came over and said "im going to tell the head teacher about what you have been descussing" AND ITS NON OF HER MOTHER ******* BUISNESS. what can i do?

What are our thoughts on headmasters (and other members of school staff) being attacked by parents?

Thats totally wrong, im just a student and there might be stuff that my teachers did and told me that i dont like but i dont think they deserve to be attack as long as the teacher is doing the right job.

I need help with a good, fitting name? Please help(:?

Hey guys. I'm writing a book and there's a headmistress in it whose over this school. She is short and petite and in her middle ages. She has short, thick blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She's very nice and intelligent, but she's also strict. Any good ideas? Thanks!!(:

Why do people consider any famous band "sell-outs"?

I agree, once a band becomes popular/famous, many people claim that they've become 'sell-outs'. They don't even use the term correctly, it's become a synonym for popular. I don't know why, I think they must feel special that they knew the band before they became big. But I understand it as, as a fan, shouldn't you want the band to grow and obtain a huge fanbase? It's kind of contradicting.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Need help for Battlefield 2?

In Battlefield the bullets drop over long distances so try aiming a little above your target. Just keep practicing, don't worry you will get te hang of it.

Going to a chiropractor for shoulder weakness? Is she a quack or legit?

i tend to think that all chiropractors are quacks. I went to 2 within the past year and feel like i wasted tons of money. i should have just gone to an orthopedic doc in the first place and i could have saved myself a lot of time and money. the first chiropractor i went to took x rays and told me that the reason i was having lower back pain was because my spine needed aligned. so i continued to go and there was no change. in fact it got worse. i then went to a different chiro and that helped some but was not getting the results i wanted. when i went to the orthopedic dr they took x rays and an MRI. it sounds to me like you need an MRI so they know exactly what is going on with your muscles. it hink chiropractors can harm your injury even more. you cannot diagnose something just by looking at it. anyway, i found out that i have extreme spinal stenosis... and i would have never of found that out if i continued going to the chiro. an orthopedic dr will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong instead of telling you what they THINK may be wrong. and something like physical therapy may be better for you that being re aligned and so forth. hope i helped =) good luck

What is the name of this movie?

I think it's called "The Key" it was made from 2004-2008, it's about a man who's daughter is kidnapped, and he somehow obtains a key with mystical powers, and learns about all these different objects. And at some point in the movie, a man who has alot of the "items" grabs a sledge hammer, and breaks bullet proof glass.

What College could I get into?

No shot at Penn, sorry man. But Umass Amherst, and BU would definitely be reachable! NYU would probably also be in the cards.

First poem here, how do you like it?

Well if you meant that this was actually your first written poem, it's excellent. However, if you meant that this is your first serious poem then I think it needs a little work. You repeat "catastrophe" twice which is a huge negative in any literary work. Also, you seem to be very random in your poem. Creeps and penguins might sound like cool things to include but they don't actually add anything to your poem's meaning. I like how you chose to be creative but your ideas are ranging too much. What more, your poem lacks a meaning and a purpose. Try to insert a specific message into your poem and have a colorful theme. This poem seems pretty good, however, if you are just beginning to write poems. You're very creative and that'll help you out a ton if you consider writing more poems. Good luck :).

Faking sports injury? Genuine reason!?

I've got my GCSE exams coming up soon, but my cricket coach says that we've all still got to play in matches, on Saturdays, even though we've got exams. Our headmaster's backed our coach up as well, so there's no point just refusing to play. Seeing as I've got 22 exams coming up over the next few months, I really need that time on Saturdays to revise. So, does anybody have any ideas on an easy injury to fake, which would last about 6-8 weeks, until my exams are over? Thanks in advance.

People who wach teen wolf plz help?

Wats the song that plays after he walks out of the house with the Bullet and its like (suger and spice giv me somthing nice ) or somthing along the lines of that

Is anybody else watching Jamies Dream School?

The children are so rude, if you did that in my school, you would be in pretty much trouble, youre right, the head is terrible and should do something about the kids, but it is kinda the parents fault. I Watched it 2 weeks ago and there were like 2 kids who were kicked out of their house by their own parent so they have no option but to resort to alcohol to make themselves better which they shouldnt do. Im quite surprised Jamie Oliver didnt get any GCSEs though

In pirates of the caribbean 4 , why did jack sparrow leave Blackbeard's daughter in an obscure island?

i watched the movie recently , but i haven't understood why jack sparrow left blackbeard's daughter (whatever her name is ) in that island with a gun which had a single bullet ?

Why do I suck so much at black ops?

Okay so firs off idk what's the best gun to use I play on both ps3 and 360 ps3's mine 360's are my brothers anyways I sometimes use the ak47 with suppresor or the Galil with suppresor or famas with red dot but everytime I shoot at someone with the same exact gun as me it doesn't matter how many bullets I put in them they kill me help.

How practical is a bachelor's degree in Physiology & Developmental Biology?

I am heading to BYU in the fall, and I am currently doing some research on different majors. I am interested in this field, but how far will this degree get me? Other degrees that BYU offers that I am interested in are "Bioinformatics" and "Genetics & biotechnology". Which of these three degrees will get me a job? I'd like to earn enough money to pay the bills, haha. Thanks :)

I'm always in my best friend's shadow?

Hey don't worry about it. Yes she may be better at a lot of things, but there is one thing that no one, and I mean no one, can be better at. That is being yourself.

Simple Physics Problem has me stumped.?

A 0.02 kg-lead bullet traveling 200 m/s strikes an armor plate and comes to a stop. If all of it's energy is converted to heat that it absorbs, what is the temperature change?

Do I have any chance at west point?

Only the admissions committee at West Point can answer your question. As you know, you must have a recommendation from a member of congress to get into West Point, so you might want to start working on that matter now. Write to the office of your congressional representative and ask about the procedure and any materials you will need. The assistants in that office will send them to you. You already know that West Point is extremely competitive, and only the very top notch people ever get in. It's time now to start formulating alternate plans. Thinking about alternatives does not mean that you are giving up or that you are not going to put your best effort into achieving your goal. It means that you are smart enough to have several options available to you, which is always a good way to plan things out. I'd like to have gone to Harvard, but that plan didn't work. Still, I went to good schools, had a terrifically satisfying career, and am ready for retirement. Have at least three schools "waiting in the wings" if West Point turns out not to be your school. The application process should always include one "Dream school," a couple of "Competitive, but I might make it" schools, a couple of "Probably will be accepted" schools, and at least one "These guys accept everybody" school. That plan of attack generally results in ultimate success.

Why do I feel nauseous when i get hurt?

Whenever I get suddenly injured (bite my tongue, stub my toe, etc) I feel a rush of nausea. Anyone have any idea why it happens? We couldn't figure it out in my anatomy and physiology class.

What are my chances of getting into a good College? ?

You can probably get into ECU, especially if you've established in-state residency by the time you apply. And you might be able to get into USC although if you're considered an out-of-state student your chances will be lower. Your chances of getting into Clemson, NC State, or NYU are very low, I'm sorry to say. I don't know enough about UConn or SUNY-Albany to say.

Harry Potter: 19 Years Later?

Well, I've been a pretty big fan of HP since I read the books at nine, and this year I thought it'd be cool to write my version of the whole Hogwarts thing as Harry and Ginny's daughter, Lily. There are just a couple of things I want to know: does anyone have an idea about who the teachers are in the 19 years later bit (besides Neville) or the headmaster and caretaker? Also, characters that would be around then, such as the children of Harry's classmates or Death Eaters etc. I feel there need to be more people who aren't directly related to the Weasleys. Also, you should know that I have scanned the epilogue so thoroughly that I could recite it backwards, so I already know everything it tells you. Thanks very much (:

Is my life nice or bad?

Right,my mum is a stuck up ***** that won't even let me play outside much apart from at school.then I've got my brothers,one of them used to be fat as a house and now cuz I'm depressed by everything I'm fat and he's mocking me for it.then I've got my middle brother,a total ******** that always hurts me every day and he mock me cuz I'm fat.then theres my dad who lives in cumbria(I live in Bristol)and tries to be a good dad by not letting me have pocket money And he ******* wants to spend time with me,like **** does he.also he's giving me a hundred pounds towards something that costs more than 200 quid but it gets better.... It's the first bit of pocket money I've had in five ******* years.yeah nice going pops. Then when I'm at school I get told off for bullying someone.. I tripped and fell onto them accidentally ONCE and got sent to the headmasters room. Then I get teased be secondary unit kids and then they wonder why I beat them up??? Well Duhhh you **** with fire you get burnt. I have no friends outside of school and then I have three friends there so I guess I should be goth or emo or something. I dont want to cut but I've already started it. I just hate life now

I am really struggling in my Anatomy and Physiology Lecture and Lab. What do I do?

I am a 24 year old stay-at-home mom and I am currently taking summer classes at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am taking an Anatomy and Physiology lab and lecture and I am really really struggling to keep up with the material because the class is accelerated and I have to admit that the bulk of the material taught I have never learned. I haven't taken a science course since I was a sophomore in high school and of course, because the class is accelerated I only have two or three days to learn concepts I have never learned before and it has been really difficult. I spend an average of 2 hours a night going over the material before I go to bed. When I have a test, I will stay up for two or three days straight to study and despite all of my efforts, the highest grade I have gotten is a C after my lecture professor gave us a 9 point curve on it. I have failed everything in lab which consists of two quizzes and 1 test. I have gotten so desperate that I actually bought a skeleton model for my test over bone anatomy and bone markings next week It's so depressing to go there almost every day knowing I have no idea what is going on. I actually leave crying. Dropping the course is not an option for me since I have already accepted all aid that was given to me. I also don't really want to give up. I have only been in the class for two weeks. Please help. I tried to see if the school offered tutoring, but they don't offer tutoring in the summer time. Please if you have any advice, guidance, or suggestions please let me know. Paying for a tutor isn't really an option for me either because tuition is so expensive at Xavier because it's a private catholic university.

I am writing a book about a girl who is a spy?

Don't make her mom the headmistress, make her the headmistress' niece or granddaughter. The mission could be her final test to pass the school and turn into a bigger mission than anyone every thought like uncovering weapons trafficking across the canadian border (I say canadian because they always do Mexican). The school could be called something simple and acting as a front like "The All Girls School of Excellence" Some classes could be undercover101, gadgets210, and so on. Also back on the mom part, you could make it where her mom doesn't know and her grandmother or aunt was the one who recruited her. Maybe her mom wasn't recruited because she didn't have the right skills so she was left out.

Do you think the story shown in homefront video game is possible? How can north korea defeat USA?

I know its only a video game but I still had to ask in this section .I am not much of a gamer but this game was controversial and I watched a few videos and I bought it like a kid and it does bring hatred in your veins. Even many of you might have reacted badly to your fellow asians if you had played the game or am I just too emotional because I never get emotional by little things. Watching that scene where that couple is gunned down by that korean in front of their 6-7 year old son was like a bullet through the heart.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Question about 'tracer fire' used in Apocalyse Now?

In the film Apocalyse Now, a patrol boat carrying the cast and camera crew comes under fire from the river bank. You can see burning ordinance flying through the air, like tracer fire, only it can't be tracer bullets because it moves far too slowly, and in curved paths. Does this represent some actual kind of ammunition? Or was it just a very poor representation of normal tracer fire?

Why would this job place lie?

I applied for headmasters receptionist quite some time ago now. I decided to call them up as the vacancies in still up on their website and has been for awhile. The lady said they don't have any vacancies for part time receptionist and I told her that i'm up on the website and they do. She told me the vacancies are now closed and it been forgotten to be taken down. Why is she lying or why would they deceive the public and make us apply for the role if it's not available anymore. And no they never forgot to take it down because it's been there for ages now

Where did this myth come from?

For me personally, I have found that the copper washed bulk 22LR ammo is a bit "slicker" for feeding stubborn semi autos. I have not seen anything cleaner about it. However, those same picky semi autos when fed premium lead nose ammo, they run just fine. There's a reason why I bought those semi auto's in 22LR though, and it's to shoot cheap ammo, not the premium stuff. Federal 550 round copper washed bulk pack ammo runs in every semi auto bottom feeder I own. Cheap to shoot, and reliable. For me, it has nothing to do with cleanliness, it has everything to do with reliable feeding on the cheap.

My best friend is losing too much weight?

I Can Kinda Relate To How She Feels Because Being Big Isn't Easy And Sometimes The World Pressures You Into Looking A Certain Way. Just Really Get Serious One Day And Tell Her That Your There For Her And That She Can Tell You Whats Happening And That You Wont Judge Her. If That Doesn't Work Then You Should Talk With Her Parents Or Any Other Adult That Can Help.

Marvels Kraven vs Sabertooth?

Kraven, he would track Sabertooth and find out all his powers before ever confronting him, and when he finally did he would have traps set up to negate sabertooth's advantage so that it was a fair but challenging hunt. I think that Kraven would have a run for his money but he had hunted every feral creature on the planet, so he could take down sabertooth.

I need a quick protection spell... can anyone help?

First, you will need to take a pentagram and soak it in blood. Walk around the blood-soaked pentagram three times while chanting Satan's name. Then say, "Lord Satan, grant me protection from the spirits of God!" Satan and his familiars will hear your ritualistic prayer (or spell) and will accordingly protect you from the spirits of God.

What would happen if I ate solely apples and drank apple juice or water for a week?

I need to do an experiment for a college Anatomy and Physiology course, that's solely independent, and has to do with the body. The only thing I can think of is to test out the saying, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' I've taken a nutrition course before, and can guess some of the more harmful effects of only consuming apples, such as little to no protein or fat intake, as well as very few calories (though I'm hoping to remedy this with the amount of apples I consume). I'm not concerned with things like how much sugar will accumulate in my teeth (brushing is one of those things that's a given), but I'm worried about the repercussions for my digestive tract, and overall state of mind. Could you guys help me out with some guesstimation?

Bachelor's degree in Physiology & Developmental Biology?

How practical is this degree? I am heading to BYU in the fall, and I am currently doing some research on different majors. I am interested in this field, but how far will this degree get me? Other degrees that BYU offers that I am interested in are "Bioinformatics" and "Genetics & biotechnology". Which of these three degrees will get me a job? I'd like to earn enough money to pay the bills, haha. Thanks :)

Have I lost all chance with her?

Awww! That was sweet but i dont think u lost a chance thats so romantuc but she lyks u too and i am sure she hasnt fergot about u she lyks u so go n try to be with her good luck :)

Harry Potter: epilogue era question (spoiler, so more info inside)?

Dumbledore died at the age of 115. McGonagall was the head mistress but retired in 2017 nothing is known after that because for some reason Rowling didn't want to put all of the information in the Epilogue even though she knew it but she said in an interview "you have to hold the urge to tell everything in a novel"..I mean honestly...You held that urge in all 7 books so why not let is be free for once in the Epilogue. Make your final book have a big finally. The Epilogue was my least favorite part in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book. The book is my favorite in the series but the epilogue really sucked and I hate it.

AP Government Class Questions?

Take it. Government isn't that difficult, and is easy college credit. If you're smart enough for Calc BC, you can handle Gov.

What classes should I be taking if Im going into pre-med?

I am currently going to a J.C., and I was wondering what classes I should be taking before I transfer to a university. I will be majoring in physiology, and hopefully will go on to become an oncologist. Another thing, Ive been thinking about just going into Internal Medicine, and was also wondering what should I major in to do so???

How do i get myself out of this mess about detentions?

tell him you were in a water fight and don't give him the names of your friends. you WERE in a water fight. so you DO deserve a detention. otherwise you can tell him you got drive-by water-gunned.

Does anyone want to trade me a mudkip/marshtomp/swampert?

Any level will do, in return I can trade you a LVL 1 Eevee with (Yawn, Wish, and Curse) or a Machop with Bullet Punch/ Of course they'll be male so if I don't have the desired Nature you can Egg move it yourself. Im open to any other trade offers as well if you don't want those two. Please let me know by tonight. Here's my Friend code 4341 3578 3259 SMITH

F.B.I. Academy, after or before college?

Okay guys! So I am 14 years of age and have been thinking about joining the F.B.I.'s B.A.U. of course I know that at first I will start out as a field agent. But this is besides the point I know that I will need sociology, criminology, physiology, criminal justice, degrees at least, if there are any other degrees that I need please let me know. What I was wondering is I know I will eventually have to go into the F.B.I. Academy sooner or later, will this be postmortem to college or before? I also know that I can intern at the F.B.I. after I acquire the proper qualifications, will this also be after the F.B.I. Academy, or right after college? I know the age I have to be as well. Please help me out the best you can! Thank you! Also, don't forget to site your source so I can read up on it!

If people wanted to disprove evolution in favor of creationism, wouldn't they have to get rid of all the?

fossils, all DNA testing and data, and disprove the biological areas of anatomy, comparative anatomy, physiology, embryology and botany... just for starters?

I love this girl so much its killing me?

i love this girl but i kno she has feelings for me not that strong but she says " Garrett Your a real nice guy and really sweet and caring your gonna make a girl real happy one day your gonna be a Great boyfriend your Such a Caring and loving guy" iv never been in love or liked a girl n i like her i kno she has some feelings for me but not that much but she did say that should i just still bit the bullet and ask her out? we dont chill that much but i kno that can change but we talk on the phone and text 24/7 and say goodnight and morning cus were always texting should i bite the bullet and still ask her out?

Some good metal bands?

I am very picky when it comes to music. I only like metal, but I can't stand growling or screaming. I have found very few bands that satisfy my musical taste. The bands i listen to are Avenged Sevenfold(the newer albums), three days grace, some Rise Against, Kamelot and some System Of A Down. I have tried Bullet For My Valentine, too much screaming. Are there any other bands out there that fit my taste?

Can you give me some feedback?

This is really good! I didn't really get it at first. but then when I got more into it... it was super good! Amazing job! This is an excellent part of a book!

Where can i get cool punk/scene clothes?

I wanna get boots like black veil brides and clothes like they wear in the legacy video e.g. skinny fit t-**** and jean with rips and studded belt or bullet belts. can anyone help?

Anyone who has the "Baby Bullet"?

I am considering buying the baby bullet for making my sons food once he starts solids at 6 months. but first i wanted to ask if it works good and if its worth the money

Why do our soldiers wear collared button up shirts?

The collars fold up mandarin style to protect the neck from chafing. There are no buttons on the ACU jacket. As for the "white collared civilians" thing, have you heard of blue collar jobs?

Finish this sentence....?

I intend to use the content of this course (anatomy&physiology) in my everyday life by doing .....

How do i get to be quarterback on my little leauge team?

I have a really good arm. I am better at bullets than lobs though. I am very tall and am not a running back but can definitely run when i need to! Tryouts are soon and i want to be quarterback what practices and/or workouts would be good to almost ensure i become quarterback?

Why does God test us?

If there was no bad, there would be no good. Life would just be boring, and you wouldn't appreciate anything that you have.

Do you think this is a good idea?

So I want to go to this certain school but to get in you need a certain grade for 3 certain subjects. 6 for math , physics and science. I have a 6 for math, 7 for science but for physics I got an 5.9 . I was thinking I could go talk to the headmaster of the school and see if he can let me in even though my grade is 0.1 less than what It's supposed to be. Do you think this is a good idea ? If yes, what do you think I should tell him ? (I heard he's nice too)

First page of my book. what do you think?

purple prose. simplify this. not all of those big words are necessary. read the article specified below.

Music Theory/Aural help?

Hi I'm taking my Grade 5 flute exam on Friday and I need to know a few short bullet points on the differences between Romantic, Classical, Baroque, and Modern- please help- but no essays please- short, clear, and memorable. please! THANKS!

AP Government Class Worth It?

It is my understanding that any AP class you take can get you credit toward college classes. If you plan on going to college, go ahead and take it and make at least a B in the class. You will most likely not have to repeat that class in college, which would save you money. You sound like you can handle it, as you are quite articulate. Go for it.

Kids on facebook is it ok?

my older son is on facebook he's 12 after seeing him playing the games on there and the arguments i had to through i let my 6 year old go on there too now you may think bad of me but my pc is wired up to the tv i can see everything he does i know who he talks to what he does everything he only actually goes on there to play monster galaxy i have noticed alot of the games are aimed at the younger ones well the headmistress at my sons school has had the police in and have deleted my son and his friends account now for a school which is really bad on bullying and does not have a very good reputation i think to be honest she had no right in doing this and should be concentrating more on what goes on in the school not out of it im really quite mad she had the cheek to do this she use to be a teacher and since being made head has gone really power mad

Doctors! I want to become a doctor but high school chemistry isn't my thing?

I am currently a high school sophomore. It is my life's dream to become a doctor. As a child a hospital was like a second home. I was always sick. Freshman year I took all regular classes. Got all high A's and a B in algebra one. This year I am in honors spanish 2 and honors chemistry. Honors chemistry isn't my thing though. I have gotten by with a B (80) first semester. second semester I got a c (75) i had a horrible teacher. He didn't teach. I don't know if it was me or him but the class didn't come easily. I know you need alot of chemistry in college. I don't know if I can do it. Next year I am taking regular physics,algebra 2, ap english, honors american history, one semester of sociology and one semester of physiology also honors spanish 3. I hope to get around a 26 on the act. Can I do it? Any tips? Thank You.

Best songs by Bullet for My Valentine and Black Veil Brides?

I've gave both bands a go and they both are terrible. Black Veil Brides is one of the worst bands i've came across.

Personality...character...i want 2 change it....?

You have a wonderful character and that is your nature. You want to 'toughen up' a little and I have to agree your friends are right. How about you start working on yourself to gain confidence? Since you are an excellent student already, try getting physically fit. Some weight training and a course in self defense. There are many 'self defense' styles and most teach mental discipline. When you feel more physically confident you will naturally stand up for yourself. It will be slow changing but this goal, to be physically able to stand up for yourself, will make you more confident.

What are some good songs?

Your music taste is alot like mine, except Im more focused in rock. But check out this guy name immortal technique, city and Colour, John mayer's album continuum, foo fighters, metric and Billy talent

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What can I nickname a character who shouldn't exist?

Make his nose a bit longer without affecting his good looks and she can call him 'Beaky.' I had a teacher over sixty years ago whose surname was Williams. He had a longish nose and we used to call him Beaky - in fact when we talk about him even now he is always referred to as Beaky Williams.

At what age do you believe a woman is no longer 'viable'?

My answer would be the age most women stop having periods. But I would give an answer of 50 just to estimate there. But look up that age where most women stop have periods. Im sorry to all it that but i cant think of the real name of it. Post something or something pause idk. But hope this helps :)

What is the name of the song playing in the background of the movie "knight and Day" HELP!!!?

It's a little less than halfway through the movie when Tom Cruise pulls the car (with Diaz in it) up onto a rooftop parking lot and switches cars? The music sort of flows into the next scene where Diaz sees Rodney (the firefighter) on TV being displayed as a hero for taking the bullet. This is killing me! Sounds like a very mellow song! Please help me find it!

Too much stress :/ ?!?!?

Yesterday, my ex-boyfriend smacked me in the face, for no reason. It was just after break had finished and I went off to our next lesson. I unknowingly forgot my book and had to return downstairs where some of the boys, inculuding my ex were messing about. As I was rooting for my book he was calling me horrible names and saying loads of other stuff. I thorght it was best to just ignore him, so I did. As I was leaving to go back to lesson he called me over to help him and as I stood infront of him waiting for him to say something he just slapped/smacked me really hard in the face and ran off to class, saying that I was a b*tch and I decerved it. After that had happened I went to find a teacher who I could tell, but they were all busy teaching, so I headed back to class. My face still has a hand print on it and it hurts when touched. My parents told the headmaster who has talked to my ex and explained that it shouldn't of happened. To be honest it isn't the first time he has hurt me and left a mark, and I feel like the teachers arnt taking it seriously. Where in a small private school so I know for a fact if he was in a public school he probably would of been expelled by now. Today has been a blurr and I could hardly concentrate in class. I came home and found my mum shouting at me for silly things that wernt worth the energy. I've also been talking to this guy I like and he said he liked me too ... But when I asked him weither he wanted to ever be with me he said he had to go. It's been hours now and I dout he really went out and it was just an excuse to stop the convo. I can't be doing with all this stress with home and school and even boys... Espeshially when I have exams soon ... Please help I don't no what to do I feel so lonely and isolated from friends and family please help :/ xx

What kind of classes should i take my junior year?

if your planning on going to a university, you should take at least 2 or 3 AP classes to prepare you for college and maybe even help you get college credit if you pass the AP test. If your school offers AP classes in Science or Math, you should take them, colleges will see that your school did offer it but see you did not take it, and this could mean being excepted or not. you should be taking AP Chem if you can, and maybe try to go to a summer math academy so you did not take Algebra 2, you should be taking Trig/Precal Honors.

Next headmaster at Hogwarts? HP fans.?

I'm writing some Harry Potter fan fiction and can't decide who to make the headmaster of Hogwarts. My story takes place 13 years after the final battle of Hogwarts, making it present time. I was thinking about choosing Firenze the centaur, to show how the wizarding world unified after Voldemort was defeated and started to think of everyone as equals. It can't be Harry, Hermoine, or Ron because they're off doing other things. Mcgonagall was headmistress when filling in after Dumbledore's death but she retired. What about Professor Sprout? Any suggestions? And please take my question seriously.

Help with story details?

maybe make her look like her mother that the head master knew in the past or how about a birth mark that the mother had just like the princess every daughter had the tiny heart shaped birth mark behind her left ear but the head master had seen it on her mother growing up with her maybe his mom was Mother's governess and she had told him the legend of the birth mark

Othello--Desdemona costuming--please read!! need opinions and help.?

your teacher needs his head examined - if the whole play is done as a contemporary play - you could get away with it , but Desdemona is very(!) feminine, though in Shakespeare's time the role was played by a young boy - The fact that she is rapturously in love with this Black man's adventures, that she sings a song like "Willow, willow" - no Tom Boy would be caught dead even knowing lovelorn music - nor would she have a maid! She always addresses Othello as "my Lord" - and no tomboy would be in a hurry to "make the beast with two backs" - which alone certifies that she recognizes herself as female, and in need of the fulfillment only a man can give - Plus of course, the custom of the period would never have tolerated a woman in man's clothing (this only shows up in later dramas where the girl has to be disguised to protect her) - Plus, gauge her father's attitude and think if for one second he would tolerate "mannish" behavior in a daughter when he is trying to pawn her off on a politically influential Count, most certainly for his own benefit - a common practice at the time, and the father's responsibility - and it is her innocence and tenderness in sharp contrast to the life he has led, that makes Othello fall for her - at the opening of the final scene, is she not brushing her luxuriant hair? - no Tom boy there -

Yogurt? for my 9 month old?

i have a baby bullet and the 9 month foods list says i could but i thought babies werent supposed to have dairy till they were 1?

Airsoft sniper rifle where to buy?

looking for a rifle with no scope between 100-250 w/ attachment rails for my 12x scope, has to look close to and be accurate with a .35+ gram bullet. maybe like an R700 replica or something. must be accurate though( airsoft)

What are some funny reasons for having a chipped tooth?

people keep asking me so i want something different to say. I have things like "I tried to catch a bullet in my teeth and this was what happened" so similar stuff ^^

Epilation HELL! (ingrown hairs)?

Everyones going on about how good epilating your legs is. I had a braun epilator for about 4 years now but never used it as it was always too painful. Bit the bullet a month ago and epilated my whole leg. At first my leg was smooth but the very next day I was surprised to find I had some stubble making me think that the epilator merely snapped the hair instead of pulling it out. Four days later I had bumps all over my leg which were in fact ingrowns :( Patches of my legs are smooth and patches have ingrowns and the way I have to get them out at the moment is by tweasing out each one which you can imagine takes forever!! Please HELP!!! this is so annoying to me I thought it would be better than shaving but its worse!

Do you think celebrities Create Yahoo accounts to chat to regulars like us?

Or do you still believe I'm a regular? Any of you copped on that I'm an international world famous Movie actor-stuntman, rapper author president of ninja Inc. And the new headmaster of hogwarts? Bet you didn't know that, huh?!

What is the name for ...?

what is the name for the system of government in which the members elected have degrees in their field i.e. education minister is an ex headmaster, the health minister is an ex hospital manager, etc?

What was the thematic essay for the June 2011 global regents?

I 4got wat was the bullet points. I remember writing when it took place but not where the invention happened!

Can't decide what branch?

I have been in a very big confused state trying to decide between the Army and Navy. I've hate water... water combat is nothing i'm interested in, however the navy has the Sea Bees program. When i put on a Military Uniform i want to be able to look someone in the eye and tell them i have served my country, so i would like to see a little combat and be able to carry a rifle but at the same time i want to feel somewhat safe without bullets whipping past my face. I like construction, mechanics, and engineering. I want to push myself and challenge myself and from what people tell me, the navy basic training is easy so the army basic training i prefer. As far as jobs, I have no idea what i want to do, but i have narrowed it down to the 3 mentioned above. I want to be able to get a job in any of those fields but be able to learn combat and carry a rifle sometimes. Any ideas are appreciated.

Accelerated classes at national university, hard? Easy?

I am taking a few nursing prereqs at National University. The classes I am signed up for are anatomy and physiology and micro biology. Have any of you taken these classes? They are only two months long and I am wondering if I am going to get my butt kicked?????? Do you think they dumb them down a bit since you are suppose to learn and pass the class in two months??? Thanks in advance

Problems with Call Of Duty?

Thank you, finally somebody else who finds so many flaws with the game. I thank you for being able to come out and say that the game is incredibly flawed. I definitely agree with you about the quick scoping. The games just aren't good, yet everybody likes them because they've never played real games. They could be far more realistic (try getting rid of perks) and vehicles would make it far better.

How to make myself ill in a few hours?

if the doctor says you are stressed and need to relax, why don't you just ask the doctor to give you a doctors note. The school is not allowed to ignore doctors notes.

Caught smoking at school today... Help?

Why don't you try to quit now-I've been smoking over 20 yrs, cigarettes cost about 6-8 bucks? a pack, up to 80 bucks a carton, (I quit smoking cigarettes & smoke mini-cigars for cheaper)-no, don't start smoking these-I've smoked long enough,-

What are some entertaiment teenagers did in the 60's?

What are some things teenagers IN NEW ZEALAND did for entertainmen. I am doing a research on what teenagers did in the 60's. I don't need a whole heep of information just a few bullet points .. thank you very much (^_^)!!

If you were playing russian roulette....?

Can you fire twice without moving the revolver again or do you have to turn it every time before firing? I know that there wouldn't be a bullet in the chamber if you have already fired it but I was just wondering if you can fire it twice without turning it.

I'm 20 and I want a baby?

Well, I feel insane asking this. Anyway, I'm a 20 year old woman and I'm in college. I'm currently single but recently I've felt as if I want to have a baby. I have no clue why. I'm only 20. It's kind of a weird feeling and it's kind of hard to describe. It's like, I want something to care for and be responsible for. I've head being pregnant makes you feel full and stuff and I want to know what it feels like. I don't plan on having children until I'm happily married so I have no clue why I feel like this. I talked to my friend who is getting a physiology major and she said it was normal and around my age you start to want a baby or something. I still feel crazy though. Someone please tell me this is normal!

Help with my English project?

okay so,I need to know the latest news on Ronnie Radke(from escape the fate and falling in reverse),Andy Sixx(from black veil brides) and Matt Tuck(bullet for my valentine) it's due in tomorrow even though I just got it today ..

Please read my short random writing and tell me what you think of it, thanks!?

The whip dashed out towards Ellex. He spun in the air avoiding the sudden attack. Quickly he looked back at Adam while in the air and shot his pistol at him several times. The bullets merely missed Adam's head gazing his spiked hair. Once Ellex landed he continued doing jumps off the walls to avoid the sharp point of the whip that continues to hurl towards him. Adam grins and laughs out loud simultaneously as he aggressively swings his whip cutting through furniture in the room making the place flying with chunks of the furniture. Bella runs into the room unaware of the mess that flies in the air. Sharp wood parts from the furniture dash towards Bella, she whips out her sword and cuts the wood into small splinters. Ellex and Adam notice Bella is in the room and Ellex jumps his way to her while dodging the whip. Adam stops going for Ellex and shoots the whip out to Bella. Before the whip could actually penetrate through her, Ellex sees his opportunity and shoots the whip snapping it.

First rock concert ideas?

I'm going to my first concert September 5th. I'm going with about 9 friends and we are sophomores in highschool. The bands are Escape the Fate, Bullet for my Valentine, Seether, Three Days Grace, and ending the night is Avenged Sevenfold. I'm really looking forward to this concert and I want to know what's fun to do at rock concerts, my friends and I have lawn tickets so we are in a open grass area.

Remember the good ol' school days?

you always remember your sweet friends, the naughty tricks u made on each other, the parties, the fun days, napping in class, and the sexy-legged new Miss whatever....but u never remember the punisments, long homeworks, boring lessons in which u had to nap in class, and hairy Mr. whatever the headmaster.

If water is denser than air, then if a bullet was shot in the water could it kill someone?

Water slows bullets down faster than air. In fact, bullets slow down and drop to the bottom of the pool. Bullets shot from air into water may ricochet off the surface of the water.

Should I continue to take spanish 4 for my senior year of high school?

I'm going to be a senior in high school and I'm in a little dilemma. So I want to take Physiology H and Spanish 4 but they run at the same period so I can only take one. I was wondering which one would be more beneficial to me for college. I want to go into nursing when I go to college and my backup is physical therapy so I will be involved in a medical field. So I'm wondering if Physiology or Spanish 4 would help me more for college.

Anatomy and physiology question?

Ummm, where on earth do you take this anatomy and phys class? Your teacher hates you apparently. I don't quite understand the first one but I think it's true. The only AC I know of in A/P is the AC (acromioclavicular) joint. So I'd have to say false for the second one.(Your cochlea is in your ear)

What will this do for my GPA in college?

You did not give enough information to answer your question. We would need to know how many credits total you have already taken.

My girl friend wants bigger boobs and I want to help her get them?

I just got a girlfriend and she told me that she wanted bigger boobs. Personally I like her boobs and I think they are big, they are like 42C if you must know. I've told her that I like them and think they are big but I don't think it helped that I told her I like real big boobs. I don't really care if she gets bigger boobs or not, it would be nice but I really don't care. But since she wants them I would like to help her get them. So does anyone know a way that I or she can make her boobs bigger with out surgery. Like special herbs or exercises or anything at all. I want her to have bigger boobs because she wants bigger boobs. I've tried to get to the reason with physiology but it is just she wants them bigger. So can someone help me.If you can send your answer to my email that would be great. My email is M.ammer69 at yahoo or gmail. Gmail is my main email.

Can you take anatomy & physiology I and II at the same time?

I want to apply for nursing school and I have to take alot of classes, so in order to apply in time...i want to take A& P I and II in the same semester! Can i do it? Do you recommend it?

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to help her convince her?

I understand what your saying, but if she asked for time let her have it otherwise getting involved will push her further away from you, next time you see her kiss her and she will feel it. And know her answer.

Why was harry crying at the end of goblet of fire?

At the end of goblet of fire when Harry comes back with Cedric's body why was he crying and when Headmaster Dumbeldore tries to help him why does he scream NO?

How much swag does your Principal have?

a lot, but im part of a special program, so the principal that im talking about is the one for the program. the one for the regular highschool has no swag, but this one for the special program has a lot, maybe thats because he doesnt really do much. he has time to be human

Help? i'm being bullied at school and teacher says im depressed?

grow up stop trying to get attension stop betending you have problems as if you draw emo stuff. u just need to masterbate

What is truly the best pistol ever the browning hi-power or the M1911 ?

For its era and the impact that it had on firearms design and the world in general. The Colt Patterson revolver designed by Samuel Colt in the USA was the best pistol design ever. It was the first effective and reliable repeating handgun, it held five rounds in its cylinder and was a cap and ball revolver. The same basic design evolved to become the Walker Colt, the Colt Dragoons, the Colt 1851 Navy, and the Colt 1860 Army, and all of the variants of the last two, and finally the Colt single action army. It was introduced in 1836, and the first major design improvements: a loading lever and a capping cut-out, were added in 1839 allowing it to be loaded without disassembly.

Hollyoaks : what happend to rob , diane , amber etc ?

I know amber , her mum and brother left but what's happening with the headmaster Rob who was taken away by the police and never seen again !?! Without a trial or anything. And to b honest I don't want the Sharpes b ack (awful actors) but they can't just think we've forgotten about the storyline and so they need to finish the storyline ! !!! I kno w a ll this happend. Ages ago. But I was just thinking about all this and wondered if the storylines going to be carried on ?? Thanx

Why does xbox live lag so bad?

Well you kinda knocked out every suggestion i think anyone could give you, the only one other thing i can think of is something wrong with your xbox

If you were headmaster of your school what would you change?

its for my homework and i've go to write about things that i would improve on with my school. i only need a few points but i need some idea sparkers so thank you in advance ^_^

Should I take human anatomy and physiology or physics sophomore year?

I want to take a career in either medicine or biology, but I'm stuck on these two options. Anatomy is kind of inconvenient to my schedule. Which class should I take?

Is 0.3 grams too hot for a gas airsoft gun that has 600 fps?

I have recently bought the Mk1 Tactical Sniper and im using 0.3 gram BBs for it. The BBs are very high quality but the gun doest shoot straight. When ever i fire it the bullet will zoom off into the left, right or above. It will very occasionally shoot straight but with little accuracy. It is also a gas gun, please help me and thank you for your time :)

What should my school's show be this year?

My headmaster has asked me to be in charge of this year's musical. I want something classic, but fun to do. does anyone have any ideas? it has to be suitable for ages 11-16

So some names for characters?

Go to a names website or one of those gaming sites and look up characters from the game. Steal off their names. Like if yur thinking medieval, look up those kinds of games. Or just think of cool names before bed. It's when I think best. Like Azlo Black, Gerich Ward. But also male sure heir name shows their character in some way or another. Like black as a last name for mysterious. Or smith if he is related to a blacksmith. If that makes sense.. Oh just remembered. I love he name Ezra and Blake.

What is a really good anatomy/physiology/myology book out there?

I just graduated high school and I want to get a head start in learning all of the muscles and bones of the human body, what are some good books? (MORE THAN 1 BOOK NAMED WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL, THANKS!)

Am I able to take Anatomy and Physiology?

I'll be a computer science major, but I plan to get my graduate degree in biomedical engineering. I'm not certain, but I found out that I really do love life science and biology and want to incorporate that in my career. So, will I be able to take Anatomy and Physiology, since I'm a CS major? I'm not worried about being able to take some engineering classes, but I know I can. But, I'm just worried I won't be able to take A&P since I'm a non-bio major. It would also be great if i can take Cell Biology, because that would be very useful for any biomed/bioinformatics degree. But I know that that's an advanced class. So, would I be able to take those classes?

Anatomy and physiology for medical assistant training?

I am currently attending high school and I have finished all of my work. Now I have the opportunity to study anything I want and I since I have decided to train as a medical assistant, I was considering using the time that I have studying the human anatomy and physiology to have some knowledge before entering a medical program. What should I focus my attention on in this subject? Are there any other subjects you recommend studying along with anatomy and physiology?

Would I be better off taking Anatomy and Physiology 1 with American History or US Government?

It's tough to say, without knowing your likes and interests. If you find history boring, then take US Government. It's a good thing to know, especially now. However, if you've done well in History before and want a less "dry" subject, go with American history. Anatomy and Physiology both involve lots of memorization, so if you take History, you might have too much of that. Government is more analytical and involves more opinion than memorizing...or at least it SHOULD be taught that way.

Do you think this teacher is incompetent?

You should talk to someone, but when you do it, don't go on about the assignments. None of that sounds really unreasonable, and people will think you are just complaining about the work. But do talk about how he makes all of you feel uncomfortable and makes sexual jokes. That's not acceptable.

Physiology questions please?

what are some other "think about questions" like "if a tree falls and no one is around, does it make a sound?"

Thanks to Cons, Al Qaeda has put out videos to tell Muslims in the US to take advantage gun availibility?

First of all, Dude, you CANNOT buy FULLY AUTOMATIC weapons at gun shows. THAT requires a special permit from ATF. Secondly, if these rag heads need Al Quaeda to tell them to buy guns and bullets at WalMart, then we're pretty safe. They're too freaking stupid or they know that WE THE PEOPLE buy guns and bullets at Walmart and will shoot their azzes dead. We outnumber them. And by the way, politics had absolutely nothing to do with Virginia Tech or Columbine and neither did Walmart or gun shows.

How do you start and end an email to a headmaster?

I'm emailing a headmaster (not of the school i go to) about scholarships-how do i start? ie, Dear, To, etc? ANd then to end, yours sincerly, yours truthfully, etc,

Compare and contrast ethical relativism and absolutism?

i have to do a paper on ethical relativism & absolutism. i have to compare and contrast the two. can anyone give me some pointers or bullets? like an outline? or any type of notes or opinions on them. Thanks :)

What should I do to become an anthropologist?

I know i want to be an anthropologist but I don't know what kind. I'm good at math and great at chemistry, biology, and even anatomy/physiology. I love learning new languages and this comes easy to me. I want to know what i should major in? I live about 45 minutes from Mizzou.

Do you think the story shown in homefront video game is possible? How can north korea defeat such USA?

I am not much of a gamer but this game was controversial and I watched a few videos and I bought it like a kid and it does bring hatred in your veins. Even many of you might have reacted badly to your fellow asians if you had played the game or am I just too emotional because I never get emotional by little things. Watching that scene where that couple is gunned down by that korean in front of their 6-7 year old son was like a bullet through the heart.

Legally speaking, can a teacher slap me?

believe it or not in same states physical punishment is legal. i was surprised, but it turns out school policy and state law is not the same

Can i sue my head teacher ?

Perhaps you can file a discrimination case. However, perhaps it would be better to have a talk face to face. Suing people is not a good idea. It's something very serious with unpredictable consequences.

Legally speaking, can a teacher slap me?

It depends if your parents signed a paper allowing them for that to be used as a way to discipline their children. If your parents didn't sign the paper (If I were you I'd ask your mom and see if she remembers) then the school could be in big trouble.

Do you think i deserved it?

laws are laws.violence are not compromised in you deserve all that. if a guy punch me in the face to bleed, i'll do the same too...and as for my parents, i dont think they'll forgive the shiit out of you. you should feel lucky for no charges :)

I insulted my son's headmistress, what trouble could I have caused?

My 7 year olds headmistress called me in to see her yesterday, she said that my son appeared sad and withdrawn at school. After speaking to my son about this, he told me a certain child had been verbally bullying him, I had told the headmistress several times over the last two years about this child but always got the same NO TOLERANCE speech from her, nothing was ever really done. Anyway, yesterday the headmistress interrogated me as to why my son is unhappy. When I told her it was because of this child bullying my son, she did not want to accept it and asked me questions regarding if im treating my son well, if I hit him, if anybody could be abusing him etc. Im a single mother that lives alone with my son, his father walked out when he was born. I have never mistreated, hit, neglected or abused my son ever and to have the headmistress saying this to me made me angry. The way she spoke seemed patronizing like she refused to believe that I was not causing my child any harm or misery. Towards the end of the conversation I had enough of her accusations and I admittedly lost my temper. I said to her.. "that she should have better things to do than accuse innocent mothers of upsetting their child and she should do something more productive like go to the gym". (she's very obese) I also said that.. "she was a hypocrite for promoting healthy eating in the school while she is the weight she is" I know it was a stupid thing to say/do but it was a spur of the moment and I am under a lot of stress at the moment with university work. I'm now worried to what she could do because I insulted her. could she kick my son out of school ? be hostile towards me and my son in future ?

Rigor Mortis Question?

I'm studying anatomy and physiology and my lecturer told us about rigor mortis yesterday. We've learned about muscle contraction and how it happens etc. and from what he said i know that rigor mortis occurs about 4-6 hours after death. I know that this involves the body becoming stiff but i was confused by an example he gave us, of a body being pulled out of a river that had the arms stiff out the front (like a zombie). if the body was to stiffen when someone had died wouldn't the muscles stiffen in a relaxed way such as arms simply flat at your side? why would your arms go out in such a position? and if the arms do that, why wouldn't the legs!? can anyone explain this?

First couple paragraphs of a story I am working on?

Okay, it was ok. You're very descriptive in your writing. Just don't feel as if you have to describe each little detail of your story. I mean, that's good that you're descriptive, I am, too. Just don't spend your whole time describing so much of the details that you don't actually get to the point of the story. Other than that, it was interesting.

I have a 3.583 GPA as a Sophomore in high school should I stop worrying about my grades?

I got two C+'s my sophomore year at an all boys prep school in New England and I have never gotten C's before. I'm actually really really nervous about this because I've been talking to top academic universities and colleges to play lacrosse at. I know I need to kick @$$ in my junior year and believe me I'm going to make sure I make Headmasters (Deans List) every quarter but please can someone just reassure me that I'm fine so I can stop stressing out over college when I am only a sophomore in high school.....ahhh this is killing me!

Easy physics problem beating me. Help?

A 0.02 kg-lead bullet traveling 200 m/s strikes an armor plate and comes to a stop. If all of it's energy is converted to heat that it absorbs, what is the temperature change?

What can I do to help school attendance?

I've realized I have extremely poor attendance and now my mum is being tracked down by social services. I don't want to ruin her life because of my actions, and I'm sure if you were here in my situation, you wouldn't want that too. I want to do something in school that will sort of stop the headmaster. I have 60-70% school attendance and I'm very ashamed of it. My mum is also going in on Wednesday for a convo about it, and I'm worried. What can I do?/

How do you get rid of something in an HTML tumblr theme?

I got a theme from some girl who created it and i like it and don't want to change it but i cant get rid of the bullets. I DON'T WANT BULLETS. HELP PLEASE

Sunday, July 17, 2011

LIberal guys 'converted' by conservative galpals?

it's because those women have balls. big and hairy sexy balls with a thick girth of a penis i may add.

What course should i continue on after my Level 3 IT Diploma? Few choices available?

2 & 6 are both need in the world today due to the economy crisis. This will improve your CV and maybe even allow you to have to different job options.

Should i join Chearleading if i'm involved in dual enrollment and mentorship?

It's the end of my junior year of highschool and i want to make my senior year memorable. I am already signed up to start 2 dual enrollment college classes in the fall 2 days per week. Also i am a towne mentor and will be expected to attend numerous meetings and a few mentor events. Plus, i am going to take sociology/ psychology classes and anatomy/physiology as electives. AND i want to sign up for yearbook club for next year. Is this corseload too much to start cheerleading.should i not do it?

What course should i continue on after my Level 3 IT Diploma? Few choices available?

IT employers do not like people that are over qualified. they like to be able to train them up to their level and expectations.

What would be the best way to volunteer in Japan?

I am a Japanese-American that can speak fluent Japanese. I am currently in Saitama-Ken helping out family friends with their own business. I also have plans to head south to Kochi-Ken to meet some family. Is there anyway I can volunteer if my work schedule ends July 15, even for a couple days then hop on a bullet train back to Kochi? Once I get to Kochi I plan on spending a few days before I hop on a flight back to Haneda airport, and depart Japan on July 24 back to America.

Need help with my Human Anatomy and Physiology assignment?

Please only answer if you truly know it. I have looked everywhere and can't find the answer in my book or online. Of the 3 lever systems (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class) which does the body typically not have and why?

Who become hogwarts headmaster after snape?

Initially, after the death of Prof Dumbledore, it was supposed to be Prof Minerva McGonagall since she is second in command at Hogwarts, but due to power struggle at the Ministry, thus Prof Snape had become a headmaster (but this was also planned by Albus) to have a spy with-in Hogwarts who is in league with him even at his death, after the Battle at Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall was proclaimed Headmistress and began her era as Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Survey: Do you still cross the road to avoid a teacher you were scared of at school?

I'm 34 and wondering if i'm perhaps a little old to be deliberately avoiding my ex-headmaster who bullied me when i was at primary school?

Please help me with a book title!!?

find where your main character gets their epiphany and use the surroundings (the meadow?) as the title, or an important symbol that is present throughout the entire story

AP Government Class Questions?

More important than even selecting the course is choosing the teacher. You have a winner. Go with it./

Are these the right classes to become a Radiologic Technologist?

I have been interested too in this area of study and recently as the radiology technician during an exam. He told me he got his bachelors in this field and though, there are schools that offer a 2 year program and even hospitals. He said he got his bachelors in the field because he felt it will work best for him, and note more experience. If you check the qualifications for a radiology technician , that would give you a better idea which direction to go to, at least for what's offered in your area.

The movie jfk does not make sense?

ok my mom is watching this movie which in my opinion sucks ***, but anyway...the jury is asked to leave i dont understand why, the one guy said that he has used an alliace one second the next he said only this but this stupid freaking magic bullet or what ever theory didnt make sense cuz he said oh it did this and did this oh and then a bullet that was clean was put here, his argument before was that there was three shots what he was saying that happened couldnt have happened with 3 bullets

Problems with Call Of Duty?

Thank you, finally somebody else who finds so many flaws with the game. I thank you for being able to come out and say that the game is incredibly flawed. I definitely agree with you about the quick scoping. The games just aren't good, yet everybody likes them because they've never played real games. They could be far more realistic (try getting rid of perks) and vehicles would make it far better.

What jobs are exciting in the hospital?

I want a job that is thrilling and never gets boring. My favorite subjects are chemistry and physiology. So, I would like to work in a hospital with people. My question is what cool/exciting jobs are there in the hospital besides an MD, possibly in the OR or ER? btw I don't want to be an RN or PA. I think a job as an OR clinical pharmacist specialist is a perfect fit for me. What do you think? Does anyone know more about this job or any other job that I may like? Thanks!

Where can I take some physiology & anatomy courses?

yea? also a bit confused because if you are already a Biology major then i would guess you are working towards that degree at a 4 year university or a 2 year Junior judging by your description if the Anatomy and Physiology course isn't university level im guessing your at a Community or Junior i would suggest hold off on the A&P course for now till you transfer to a 4 year university because you will need to have a bachelors degree before you can get a masters...and if you want to get a masters in physiology you should have university level anatomy and physiology courses...i really hope this helps because i was pretty confused with your question...

Physiology HELP - Immune System Question?

Can you think of conditions where switching a patient’s response from Th1 to Th2-dominated, or vice versa, might be helpful?

Why can't I wear this handbag to school?

It looks more like a handbag than a school bag, it doesn't look like it can fit a lot of books in for example. The combination of the charms and the patent leather probably makes it look too grown up in his opinion. Also nice bags like these are more likely to be stolen by other students.

This is why i HATE submitting resumes online!!!!!...?

EVERY TIME i go to upload it the bullets are all out of place when they show me the preview. this can't be normal. why is this happening? should i use rtf or txt? what format should i use???

Do you know how to get out of this situation? pls help?

I think u had to talk to him. ask to him what is ur problem I'm not doing nothing to you so leave me alone an ask why u call me guy . I'm not guy if I am it's not ur problem . I hope that can help u :) good luck

Which major would be better for becoming a dietitian or nutritionist?

From those course descriptions Nutrition Sciences sounds more challenging but it will also probably open more doors for you. I know at my college there is a major called Health Science that I believe is similar, maybe check into that one too?

Harry Potter: Who are the top ten most powerful Wizards and Witches?

I wouldn't put here Molly Weasley. I would put higher Snape (in my opinion he should be 4th) and Bellatrix- she was more powerful than, for example, McGonnagal. And I would mention more Death Eaters. And, of course, I wouldn't miss Harry, he would be close to the top.

At the end of Harry Potter 6...?

After Dumbledore was killed, we see him sleeping in a potrait in the Headmaster's Office. Is that actually Dumbledore's soul in the potrait? I was always confused about that. Thanks!

Can anyone recommend any songs?

So here�s the deal, I am finishing at my current school in summer, and when we finish the headmaster wants me to perform a song on stage!! But however that�s not the problem, the problem is, I haven�t got a clue what song to sing and play (guitar). He wanted it to relate to our ending of school but that doesn't help me at all. I would be very thankful if anybody could recommend any good not to hard to play/sing songs that could be good. Thanks!!

My headmaster saw me drinking and smoking a couple of days ago, can I get expelled for this?

My headmaster saw me drinking and smoking a couple of days ago, can I get expelled for this? we we're drinking outside school grounds.

What was the TV show (UK) where kids were taught in old fashioned/Victorian methods?

The TV show was about a class of kids who were moved into a school where they were to be taught old fashioned style, i.e. they had to recite times tables and i think (perhaps) corporal punishment was threatened, but i can't be certain. The school was run by a headmaster who has also appeared in other things....

Who will win? nano enhanced toops from mgs4 or killzone troops( helghast and Isa)?

Imagine a large battle with all their toys , that wierd bullet shield devices, gekkos, and nano enhancements such as codec, skull suit for mgs4 etc and as for killzone they got the tanks, guns, that arch weapon, atacs. Who will win?

Bullying and the Police?

My two friends have been bullied for 5 months now, it is physical and we have done everything we can to stop it. They have been through the headmaster but all the school can do is "give them a warning". All three of us have decided that we should get the police involved but what do you say to them? Keeping in mind that we are all in secondary school (year seven and nine)and our parents know. It happens outside of school as well as in.

Any tips for incoming freshman in college?

I have 17 credit hours as a freshman. I'm studying nursing so I will be very busy. My schedule is anatomy & physiology + a lab, chemistry + a lab, english comp., psychology, & sociology. I'll take any advice :)

A question about bullet proof clothing?

Ok, I know that to make bullet proof clothing, one needs a material called kevlar, which is resistant to both heat. bullets and stabbings. Could you buy a sheet of kevlar in order to create your own or could you call someone to create your design? If so does anyone know of any companies that would do that or where I could buy some of that material?? thanks

Could my History teacher get in trouble for this?

It depends. If the school has a morals policy that the teacher signed when he took the job, then definitely.

HELP, have i had a nervous breakdown.. ? FAST REPLY PLEASE.?

You have a mental illness. It could be one of the personality disorders which can cause you severe depression when you're older. Like BPD hits people that come from dysfunctional families and stuff... Have disrupted family backgrounds.. That are negelcted during childhood or separated from their mothers. You seen the girl in the movie fatal attraction? Don't hesitate in checking with a mental health professional

Headmaster at Hogwarts post Deathly Hallows?

Okay, I KNOW already it isn't said in the book. I just want to know if you could make your best guess, who would it be? Other than McGonagall- (cuz i think it's been said it wasn't her..I mean she was 70 in Philosopher's Stone, so she'd be around 100 by then), who would be a good Headmaster?

Saturday, July 16, 2011


i need some help i am doing some extra credit assignment for my Anatomy/ Physiology class but i dont know the answer to this question thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… Much!!!!!

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry?

Get a real job, there is no such thing as magic. If there was then just get on your little broom and fly there. This is so rediculous I think that you mught siffer from a mental condition

What are some similarities in anatomy and physiology?

I'm not trying to get anyone to do my work I just need help/ideas of where to look NOT answers I seen a lot of differences but not many similarities and my professor did not really give much explanation about it. Please help.

Dream about Deamons? Help!!!?

You are involved with friends who are leading you down the wrong path. You need to stand up for what you believe in instead of following the crowd because they will bring you down with them: even if you don't know what's going on.

What kind of cartridge is this?

I found a bullet casing on the ground earlier today and I need help identifying what kind it is. it's about 2.5" long or just a bit over 6 cm. The headstamp reads "LC04". From what I found searching through google, the LC means it's made by Lake City Ammunition Plant but other than that I can't find out what caliber that round is

Can i not get accepted into National Honors Society because i was caught cheating?

I am a junior and I applied to become a member of the national honors society. I was able to easily fill out all the spaces for leadership, community service, and other achievements because i've been doing everything i can to spice up my college resume. Everyone said i would make it and the lady at my school whose in charge of it all said my application looked "very promising." They had the meeting and made the decisions on a Friday two weeks ago. However, that following wednesday i was caught cheating on a test make-up that i ASKED to wasn't mandatory or anything. My dad and i have a meeting tmrw with the headmaster but pretty much the school said they were probably going to give me a one day suspension. The letters are supposed to come out in the next couple days saying whether you've made it so i'm just wondering...can nhs hear about this and reject my application or stop me from becoming a member even though they had made the decision before it happened?

Should I wait until University to take my science classes? ( PRE-MED)?

I'm worried about whether I should prepare by taking Intro Chemistry or Biology here at my community college or if I should just wait until I go to a University since Medical Schools don't look at community college science credits? Which means I'm probably not going to get my a.a. at community college because it requires sciences. I need to get math classes and english behind me and probably pyschology and ethics and some basic computer classes, I'm looking forward to my science classes but I don't want to take them at community college if it will just be a waste? I have a bunch of Anatomy and Physiology & Microbiology study books and stuff....should I just wait it out until University and do my own paced study in order to prepare?

Why have we allowed Hollywood, music, movies and TV to ROT our society? Hear me out?

I read somewhere that crime overall has been lowering in America. In Minnesota, jails that were being built might never be opened because the already existing jails have so many empty cells.

Will our friendship last even though me and my BFF are going to different colleges?

we graduated HS a month ago and me and my BFF have been friends since the sixth grade (going on 7 years) . we have shared tons of great memories, i mean tons! guys we've liked, proms, dances, beach trips, parties, vacations together, grad night, graduation, ect. i would take a bullet for this girl and she would say the same for me. we are going to college 300 miles apart but we planned on going to her school together, but i didn't get in. i want to go there for myself not totally her; so in a year or 2 i plan on transferring. will our friendship last? anyone done this? i have all these things i want like, i want her to be at my wedding, haha even if it isn't for like 8 years. im just so sad and heartbroken thinking about school starting in 8 weeks, this is like the worst feeling i have ever had.

How to go about the Boarding school rules?

i remember i used to go 2 dont worry jsut like do what they tell you to do and try to enjoy your self .they probaly made the spanking bit up

What Schools Could I get into?

Georgia Tech, Purdue, if you want to stay in the East. Boston University (also try MIT) if you want to stay in New England. USC (assume you mean So Cal not South Carolina) if you want to travel to the west coast. I assume you will qualify for scholarships. Go with the best scholarship offer from the best engrieering school.

What is a good name for a headmaster?

I'm writing a book and I have a character who is the headmaster of a colossal academy. She's sort of a glamor girl (blonde), young, smart, not necessarily mean, but strict. Not a villain and not a hero. I like to think of her as French for some reason. Are there any names that fit her?

Do you think this is a good idea?

So I want to go to this certain school but to get in you need a certain grade for 3 certain subjects. 6 for math , physics and science. I have a 6 for math, 7 for science but for physics I got an 5.9 . I was thinking I could go talk to the headmaster of the school and see if he can let me in even though my grade is 0.1 less than what It's supposed to be. Do you think this is a good idea ? If yes, what do you think I should tell him ? (I heard he's nice too)

POLL: What is your FAVORITE band(s)/artist(s)?

Sleeping with sirens, paramore, 30 seconds to mars, muse, we the kings, death cab for cutie, new empire, colour the sky, black veil brides, neon trees, owl city

Why are people still repeating that urban myth, ad-nauseum, that Obama is a Muslim?

Because he is still mysterious to Americans. We honestly don't know much about him still. I honestly think he is not a Muslim, but rather he doesn't agree with America Exception ism. And I see that Muslims don't like America, and this is where people get the connect. I do believe in once point in his life he tried Islam, and may have liked it, but knew he couldn't get up in politics by being Muslim.

What is a typical PhD concentration if interested in reproductive health?

What would be the biomedical PhD field if interested in reproductive health issues such as infertility or preterm birth? (i.e. physiology? or developmental bio?) Any suggestions?

What manga is this?! Help !?

The story begins with a girl on a train & she notices two boys that are cute & go to a private school. When she gets home,her parents tell her that her grandpa passed away & left her with a private school. Now she is the new principle/headmaster & befriends the two cute boys

Why does minecraft lags?

i downloaded a minecraft mod called SDK GUN MOD. i downloaded and i can see the guns since i have TOO MANY ITEMS. but for some reason whenever i use the gun it lags so much. the game only lags when i put the bullets in the gun. it doesnt lag when i have a gun with no bullets though. i can drive the ATVs with no problem and throw grenades too. snipers lag but when i use the scope it doesnt lag anymore. please help me. i really like this mod and i dont want to give it up. thanks

Study skills need more help. ?

I was wandering how any of you got better at memorizing and handling a lot of information. I will be taking Anatomy and Physiology in Jan 2012. Any advice greatly appreciated.

If teaching females is 'un-islamic' should Islam be banned in America?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can I get the baby vehicles (Booster Seat, Blue Falcon, Bullet Bike) for my Mii character on Mario Kart Wii?

I tried making my Mii look like a baby, but couldn't change the birth year (it doesn't ask for it when creating a Mii). Is it possible for Mario Kart to consider your Mii a "baby," therefore allowing you to use Baby Vehicles?

Are physical traits and physiology the same thing?

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I just need to know the answer. I'm writing a bestiary and I need to know if Physiology and Physical Traits are the same thing. If they are not the same can you please give me a simplified definition of them both? Thank you very much :)

Could my History teacher get in trouble for this?

It really depends on how those pictures "were found". If he posted them on the internet himself, especially if he did it recently, it would probably be considered inappropriate behavior and he would, at the very least, probably be disciplined for it (whether or not he would be fired would depend on how the headmaster feels about such things). If someone stole the pictures, or if they were taken long before he started teaching, he probably wouldn't be in any trouble.

My friend told me that girls are bitching about me?

Just ignore people like that(I know it's hard to ignore it sometimes but a lot of times when you do people leave you alone) They are just being mean, ignorant aholes. & it isn't your fault. There isn't a whole lot to do except what you already have, tell your parents & teachers. All schools should have no tolerance bullying policies but unfortunately most just don't. Let it be known that you wont put up with that type of behaviour, there is no reason anyone should have to put up with it.

I need the stone bullet on wild arms 5 but i dont where to get it!?

i spent almost an hour looking for it i used thee different walkthroughs adn 2 youtube videos please help if you know the exact point or a land mark of somekind a screenshot anything will do.

I need new bands to listen to!?

I listen to Black Veil Brides, Blood On The Dancefloor, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Escape The Fate, Brokencyde, My Chemical Romance, Nevershoutnever, Green Day, and Bullet For My Valentine. Off to the side I also listen to All Time Low, Relient K, Asking Alexandria, Foxy Shazam, Forever The Sickest Kids, and The Hush Sound. I want more bands like these please!!

What is anatomy like in college?

I am currently going to community college for a general studies AA and later get a 4 year degree for Poli Sci. I took anatomy in high school and am interested in it a bit more than general biology. Would it be strange for me to take anatomy 1 and 2 without going into a health field? My college has a very good nursing program and uses cadavers for the classes and I was just wondering if it would be too overwhelming for a person just looking for science credits (not the cadaver, but all the anatomy/physiology information). Thanks!

Can you please help me find an anime picture to draw from?

i want to draw an anime picture that looks like a girl stepped in front of a boy, while facing him, to take a bullet for him. or just of a girl about to hug a guy. as long as there is space between them, but not too much cause i want to be able to hav her hands on his face.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How likely is it that I will get into Princeton or another Ivy League?

i doubt even first in your class will go to Princeton especially entering as an undergraduate, i graduated with a 5.0 in high school (no lie) due to takeing jc courses along with high school and i went to UCLA

I need to design a "website"? How "advanced" is this?

Yes, pay a child 2 grand. A professional would want more (And a non disclosure agreement so that he never gets associated with your website)

Can you help me name my car?

The Aveo is hardly made by Chevy. You could see the asian body style. compare it to a hyundai accent and youll see what im talking about. Anyway, u should name it Angelina

My niece has an IQ of 125. Her interests lie in the field of mathematics. Does Harvard require a certain IQ s?

My 16 year old niece is an all A student and has made the Headmasters list every year since she was in 1st grade at a very good private school in S.C. She wants to go to Harvard, but she is from the south and people have told her that southerners don't do well in Ivy League schools. Do you think her IQ is high enough? Do you think being a southerner would be a handicap for her?

Easy Physics problem beating me. Help?

A 0.02 kg-lead bullet traveling 200 m/s strikes an armor plate and comes to a stop. If all of it's energy is converted to heat that it absorbs, what is the temperature change?

Are there concrete answers to the harry potter series after Voldemort dies?

On various Harry potter information sites, It mentions Harry Potter becoming head auror, and Proffesor Mcgonagle being HeadMistress. Neville longbottom marrying Hannah Abott. However, I search and search, I've reread the books over and over looking for clues I may have missed.Are there other books besides the 7 harry potter books that I am not aware of? I know the epilouge on the deathly hallows mentions Neville being a professor, and Ron and hermione getting married and Harry and ginny and such, but where are the site getting their information? Is it merely a guess?

Harry Potter: Question about the portaits.?

In the movie/ books they potraits of people in the castel and in headmaster room are "alrive". Are they really "alive" or is it a spell? This has been making me wonder becuase if they are alrive then technically u can never die in the wizarding worl.

Any hope of colleges I could get into with these grades?

The only classes you got A's in were arts classes, which many colleges disregard when calculating GPA. Your chances of getting into a 4 year university are slim.

Whats the name of this manga?

It's about this school, and all the students there are clones of dead geniuses and the like except one of them is a normal human and his dad is like the teacher or headmaster or something and that's how he goes there.

Confused about something in Harry Potter?

the pictures show the Shadow of the person when it was taken so the bit with the card is that it is picture and when it goes it is returning to another picture somewhere. he can only at the end as he doesn't see a portrait of dumbldore till the end.

At what point do you believe a woman is not 'viable'?

When she completes menopause and stops ovulating, of course. Usually in the late forties or early fifties. The ages women get pregnant have more to do with cultural and societal views than biology.

Advice on this poem please?

Sorry but I can't see how all injustices are equal. Anyway we are just getting the subjective opinion of the boy, but closing the mines affected not only individuals. but whole communities. I don't think that the analogy works.

Greg Boston of Manly -comments on Private/Public students:?

So, if public schools where you live are already so wonderful, why do you find it disturbing that someone thinks they don't need extra money reallocated to them? Sounds to me as if you think the system is perfect already. Isn't that exactly what the article says?

Our son wears and earrings but the school has banned them. Is this right?

If it's a public school, then no. They can't discriminate against your son like that. If it's private, I think they lay down the laws. Just take your son's earrings out during school hours and put them back in when he gets home in the evening. Either that or you'll have to switch schools.

About how long will surgery take for a self inflicted gun shot to the head?

My friend tried to commit suicide about two hours ago, and so far there hasn't been any news. I'm just worried and would like a time frame of how long the surgery might last. So far the silver lining is that he's in the 1/3rd of people with cranial bullet wounds that survive the trip to the hospital. Would anyone happen to know what his chances of survival might be too? I'm really worried. Serious answers only please. :(

What would be the best way to volunteer in Japan?

I am a Japanese-American that can speak fluent Japanese. I am currently in Saitama-Ken helping out family friends with their own business. I also have plans to head south to Kochi-Ken to meet some family. Is there anyway I can volunteer if my work schedule ends July 15, even for a couple days then hop on a bullet train back to Kochi? Once I get to Kochi I plan on spending a few days before I hop on a flight back to Haneda airport, and depart Japan on July 24 back to America.

Do you have any equations that are easy enough for 9th graders but hard enough so that it takes them some time?

I'm substituting for this sick teacher at a school that I had never gone to. I was asked by the headmaster to bring my own material, and it's the first time that I have to substitute for a math teacher. Does anyone have any puzzling equations for ninth graders? I don't want to have to give them a big explanation and I want the equations to be fun so they are on them the whole class (45 min.)

When you graduate the U.S naval academy and join the navy? Will i be at much harm. And have bullets flying?

Honestly, if you want to be an officer, you should not be asking this question. Officers are not suppose to run from battle but rather towards it.......Lead from the front......

What is the name of this Mary Danby book please?

Hi I am looking for one of Mary Danby’s stories I read many years ago about a boy called Tim who lived in the Victorian era at a school. It starts off with ‘when the moon peers in through the window’ and talks about a girl going to an older part of her school and seeing a boy in a red jersey vanishing by a cupboard. Two teachers go to investigate after schoo and find a diary in a hidden cupboard where they almost get trapped. The diary is written by the Victorian headmaster about Tim and how he either froze to death, or couldn't get out the cupboard. Many thanks.

I need help with my Pokemon Sapphire team for The Elite Four?

Go for Sceptile, Kyogre, Tentacruel, Altaria, Gardevoir, and Larion. Make sure you level 'em up though, get an Aggron. And replace acid with sludge bomb.

Can anyone diagnose this?

I am working on a case study homework assignment for my anatomy and physiology class and need to diagnose these symptoms of an 18 year old woman. Here is what I am working with: "child's physician advises against prolonged exposure to the sun without high SPF sun tanning lotion. After age 14, the child no longer listens to the Doctor's orders and begins sun tanning outside and making frequent use of tanning beds. At the age of 18 the child (now a young woman) notices an odd butterfly mark upon her face. She also complains of painful joints and mouth ulcers. The young woman is also a very low weight." Any help would be amazing.

Why doesn't Headmaster Woodbridge let Mr. Hundert expose Bell during the Mr. Julius Caesar contest?

Because his father is a senator and probably a big contributor to the school and exposing his cheating in the contest would embarass both the son and his father and they would probably leave the school - and the cash and prestige they carry.

What if it was the corporations who intended to take over the globe -- where would your army buy its bullets?

Corporations weakness is that they reley on peices of 8 for their power and not actual legions, fleets, and squadrons. So the revolution would just entail not buying crap.. vs actually going out and fighting.

Private school kid discriminated classmate,what would you do as a parent/teacher?

If I was the parent of the boy I'd probably call and complain to the school. As the teacher, I would have asked her before if everybody was invited, and if she said no, I simply wouldn't have let her hand out the invitations during class.

Please tell me everything I need for my goldfish?

Can someone bullet every thin I need for my goldfish I won at the fair? (just temporary) I have a 2 gallon jar, and betta food. Tell me b4 Tuesday please. Thank you!!!!! And o have a budget of 30 bucks

Can someone trade me a mudkip/marshtomp/swampert? soul silver?

Any level will do, in return I can trade you a LVL 1 Eevee with (Yawn, Wish, and Curse) or a Machop with Bullet Punch/ Of course they'll be male so if I don't have the desired Nature you can Egg move it yourself. Im open to any other trade offers as well if you don't want those two. Please let me know by tonight. Here's my Friend code 4341 3578 3259 SMITH

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Physics Problem. Should be easy.?

A 0.02 kg-lead bullet traveling 200 m/s strikes an armor plate and comes to a stop. If all of it's energy is converted to heat that it absorbs, what is the temperature change?

What kind of classes should i take my junior year?

I'm not sure if you have block schedule or if you have eight classes a day, but it seems like a pretty tough workload. If you only have four classes a semester, it's probably do-able if you work really hard and stay focused. But it's awesome that you chose all challenging classes, because colleges really look at your junior year. And I'm not sure how your school works, but at my old private school, the level of difficulty of classes went college prep, honors, and then AP, obviously from least challenging to most. You might want to save classes like AP Psych or International Relations for your senior year, because they're both challenging, but not quite as challenging as some of the other courses you've got lined up. If IIII were you, and this is solely my opinion, is I would replace those two classes with electives. Not only will it ease up your workload (which you'll be SO thankful for by the end of junior year), but it will also give colleges the impression that you're more well-rounded. The option that many students choose, which isn't always the best option, is to load up on difficult classes junior year (to look impressive) and then take lots of electives senior year (to look well-rounded and have an easier senior year). This, however, is not the best way to go. You should even it out a LITTLE, but not much. So like I said, dropping those two classes and taking them senior year while replacing them with two electives you'll enjoy will both look awesome and really lighten your workload. Remember, my advice is worth as much as you paid for it (if you didn't get that joke, my advice is really worth nothing). Best of luck!

Is anatomy and physiology hard?

I am taking it now this summer and I screwed up on one test. I made a 49 on my very first test but I am putting alot of time and effort into this class now. It was a wake up call for me to get on it. My instructor wasn't very disappointed b/c students sometimes fail the first test but do better on the next. Do you think I have a chance to pass this class if I keep making a lot of a's and b's? I really need this class and need to pass it. Some people dropped the class but I stayed in b/c I think I can pass it. Do you think I did right?

I need help on making a decision!?

I say you enroll in a boarding school. The social aspect is probably the most compelling benefits of boarding high schools. As far as educational benefits go, boarding schools enjoy success much higher than public schools, due to their home school-like atmosphere, where learning and life are intertwined and individual attention is readily available. Students are prepared for taking on a leadership role in the real world, by participating in group projects and using their talents and skills to form an identity of their own, that they can be proud of.

What song is in 22 bullet movie , at 27 minute?

this is moment when sharli matie's daugter is her room, an there is playing some rock music what is this music ? ( listen from 27 minutes )

Do you think after you become a Dental Assistant you'll have to later become a dentist?

I am currently going to college for Dental Assistant, I only have a few more core classes to finish, unforcantly I have to retake anatomy and physiology... I have never changed my major but thought about changing it to try and go for Radiolgic Science to do sonograms... I've noticed that Dental Assistant is pretty high in demand, But my question is, if you become a Dental Assistant after so many years of doing that job will you have to become a dentist or do people do Dental Assistant and stick with just doing that? I want to do dential assisting but I realllly don't want to become a dentist.. if anything I might be able to deal with dential Hygenist but that takes alot more schooling.

What would you do? Date the ugly chick or get fired?

I know this is a silly question but. If you had a Boss or a Headmaster and you really wanted a promotion or to be able to enrol into the school and the Boss/Headmaster had a really ugly like super dooper ugly the most ugly child you saw and she/he was really mean and had a bad attitude. So the Boss/Headmaster makes you go out with her/him for 1 week and you'll be able to get a promotion/Enrol in the school. What would you do?